DIY Auto Glass Crack Repair: A Guide

If the windshield on your car develops a crack, you may think you have no other option but to take it to an auto repair centre. However, depending on the type and size of the crack, you may be able to carry out a DIY repair. Below is everything you need to know about this subject.

Assess the length and the width of the damage

The first thing you need to do is to assess the size of the crack. DIY repair jobs will typically only be effective on relatively small cracks. Using a DIY repair kit on a long or deep crack, you will probably be wasting your time. A good rule of thumb involves using your actual thumb. Place your thumb over the crack. If you can fit a good part of your thumb into the crack, then you are probably better off having a professional auto glass repair specialist take a look at your windshield as it is too wide for a DIY repair. Next, place your hand next to the crack. If the crack is longer than your hand, it is probably too large for a DIY repair. However, if the crack passes these simple tests, you can continue with your repair.

Clean the cracked windshield

Once you have established that the crack is small enough to work with, the next job is to clean the cracked area of the windshield. Since the crack occurred, dust and other debris may have gathered inside the cavity. If you do not remove this detritus, it is unlikely that your DIY repair will be a success as the dust and debris will stop the repair kit from properly bonding with the glass. You should exercise great care when cleaning the crack, so you do not make it any worse. Use a cotton ball to remove any debris before rinsing down the glass using warm soapy water.

Carry out your DIY repair

Auto glass repair kits can be purchased at any auto repair store. You should carefully follow the instructions provided with the kit. The majority of kits contain an epoxy resin which should be applied to crack and then left to cure, so it becomes completely solid. The time this will differ from kit to kit, so it's important that you check the instructions.

If your DIY repair doesn't work or if the crack is too large, you should contact an auto windshield specialist, like one from National Windscreens.
